Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm Okay, You're Okay

Here is a quote I liked from this book I'm reading:

"A friend of mine tells the following story about something that happened when he was a little boy. At the end of a meal his mother announced to the brothers and sisters, who numbered five, that dessert would be the remainder of a batch of her special homemade oatmeal cookies, whereupon she procured the cookie jar and set it on the table. There followed a noisy scramble by the children to get into the jar, with the littlest brother, age four, last, as usual. When he got to the jar, he found only one cookie left, and it had a piece missing, whereupon he grabbed it and tearfully threw it on the floor in a rage of despair, crying, 'My cookie is all broke!'"

"It is the nature of the Child to mistake disappointment for disaster, to destroy the whole cookie because a piece is missing or because it isn't as big, as perfect, or as tasty as someone else's cookie."

1 comment:

Kirk said...

Bring me a cookie tomorrow.