Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Family Discussion

We've been watching short videos of the Book of Mormon online for family scripture study. They are similar to the little film strips some of you may know from your youth. Last night we watched about Alma and Amulek and my son was very distraught over the fact that children were thrown into the fire. At first it made me wonder if those kind of details should be left out when telling little kids the scripture stories, but it lead to a very good talk about Jesus and the Resurrection. It is a reality that we will all die, but Jesus made it so we will live again. Poor little guy, it would just break your heart if you saw it. He was saying, "I don't want to die, am I going to die right now?" We reasurred him and my wife shared a special experience when she felt the Savior near her and he started to cry. He felt ashamed at crying, but I showed him the tears in my own eyes and told him it's okay to cry. I reminded him that Sunday he had asked why one of his primary teachers was so sad when she bore her testimony and that his mom had explained that sometimes we cry when we are happy. He sure makes me worry about the second coming sometimes. He keeps saying, "I want Jesus to come down right now." and I think, does he know something I don't know? Yikes!