Thursday, October 20, 2011

Are Mormons Christians?

I read a really great post titled Are Mormons Christians?
There has been a lot of discussion and argument going on in the comments which I have been following.

One reader commented in part, 
"However unfair you may think it to be, you have chosen to be apart of a the LDS church and with that choice you have to carry the bags(history) of that denomination. You have to carry the teachings/rules/requirements/prophecies/gospel of all of your prophets and the LDS church.I am a Christian (Protestant-Baptist). I have to carry 2000 years of baggage with me. I have to apologize for my brothers sins/wrong doings during the crusades/slavery/war/bad presidents/pastors/preachers."

Here is my response.

Interesting way to put it. I’ll take the baggage of the restoration (Isa 29:14, Dan 2:44, Acts 3:21, Rev 14:6) over the baggage of the apostasy (Amos 8:11, 2 Thess 2:3) any day if it means that I can be a member of the church that Christ is leading and directing today. (Eph 2:19-10) The church that has the same structure and authority that His church had while he was on the earth. (Eph 4:11-15) I’ll take that baggage if it means having the Gift of the Holy Ghost conferred upon me as it was by Apostles in times before. (Acts 8:17-20, Heb 5:4) If it means that and so much more, then I’ll gladly take the baggage as you call it. By my study and by my prayers,(James 1:5, John 14:26) I believe that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that church. I understand if you disagree, but please understand if we disagree with those who emphasize the baggage over the main points of doctrine. Understand if we are frustrated with those who characterize our beliefs in a way that causes people to shun us or fear us and makes them unwilling to listen to our side of the discussion. Understand if we are upset when people are kept from hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ as restored by Him and having the opportunity to ask God if it is true. It has blessed our lives, we know it is true and we desire to share it. If you disagree, we believe you are free to worship how, where or what you may and we ask the same respect.

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