The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I am often called a Mormon.
I often refer to myself as a Mormon.
Mormonism is a term sometimes used to refer to the collection of beliefs and doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I read an article recently that quoted someone as saying
"Mormonism is not Christianity, Mormonism is a cult."That leads me to two questions, What does this person mean when he says Christianity? and What does he mean when he says cult?
In the first place, the claim that Mormonism is not Christianity makes little to no sense. It's like saying Protestantism or Catholicism is not Christianity. In a way it is correct because they are all denominations of Christianity and not the Religion itself. What it appears he means to say is that Mormonism should not be considered a denomination of Christianity. Here is a list of Christian denominations (which includes Mormonism under Restorationism by the way). If Mormonism does not belong on this list, where in the list of world religions would he suggest we put it? Here is that list. Is it a subset of Buddhism? Hinduism? Or any of the others listed? Obviously not. The only place I would put it other than under Christianity is Judaism. (Let me know if you want me to explain that further)
The continued attempts to characterize Mormonism as Non-Christian seem ridiculous to me. What else can you call a denomination that uses the Holy Bible as a sacred text and teaches that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God, but Christian? If he means to say we differ on our understanding and teaching, then I agree. But I would point out that he also disagrees with all the denominations on that list, otherwise they would not be separate denominations. If he wants to talk about who has the correct understanding among all the denominations, I welcome that discussion.
Here is one of my favorite quotes on the subject.
A Catholic Utterance
Many years ago a learned man, a member of the Roman Catholic Church, came to Utah and spoke from the stand of the Salt Lake Tabernacle. I became well acquainted with him, and we conversed freely and frankly. A great scholar, with perhaps a dozen languages at his tongue's end, he seemed to know all about theology, law, literature, science, and philosophy. One day he said to me: "You Mormons are all ignoramuses. You don't even know the strength of your own position. It is so strong that there is only one other tenable in the whole Christian world, and that is the position of the Catholic Church. The issue is between Catholicism and Mormonism. If we are right, you are wrong; if you are right, we are wrong; and that's all there is to it. The Protestants haven't a leg to stand on. For if we are wrong, they are wrong with us, since they were a part of us and went out from us; while if we are right, they are apostates whom we cut off long ago. If we have the apostolic succession from St. Peter, as we claim, there was no need of Joseph Smith and Mormonism; but if we have not that succession, then such a man as Joseph Smith was necessary, and Mormonism's attitude is the only consistent one. It is either the perpetuation of the Gospel from ancient times, or the restoration of the Gospel in latter days." Link
So to the question, Is Mormonism as Cult? From what I get when I look up the word cult, it appears he is suggesting that Mormonism is authoritarian and exploitative in regard to its members and also practices dangerous rituals and/or mind control. I would like to know what practices of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints lead him to use a word with those kinds of connotations. If you look at the original meaning of cult, it just refers to religious practices. If he means to say that our religious practices are different, then again I agree with him. But I point out again, that his religious practices differ from all the Christian denominations.
If you have any thoughts or comments on this subject, I would love to hear them.
Excellent point, and very well-reasoned. I am in no way defending the "Mormonism is a cult" position, but perhaps to help people sympathize with such a silly claim, I think time is a factor.
Mormonism is a young religion - even by Protestant standards. I think with each passing year, and each argument like the one you cited from that Catholic theologian, the LDS Church will gain greater acceptance, and will no longer be considered a novelty, let alone a "cult."
I enjoyed the blog Aaron. You picked a good subject to start with. Living in Texas I am surrounded by evangelicals that are constantly harping on the Mormon Church. As an ex-member of the LDS church and now practicing Catholic I am always proud to set the evangelicals straight about the Mormon Church, that it is not a cult, and that it is very much a Christian religion. I do believe however, that the confusion about the Mormon church doesn't come from any true misunderstandings about it, but rather from the intolerance of other religions the evangelicals have demonstrated throughout history.
Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
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