My son, when he prays, instead of saying "Please bless that we can have a good day" will say, "I bet we can have a good day" I don't know where he gets it from.
He calls me Jad instead of Dad sometimes because his best friend's name starts with J (we're not even sure when he swapped Dad for Daddy, we just noticed) , it is better than just being called by his best friend's name or being called Mom, so we are making progress.
Smarsh Mellow Mateys - this one has a long history, he used to call marshmallows "smells" then it evolved to smarshmellows, and lately he's found the joy of cold cereal. (My wife used to cook a hot breakfast every day, eggs, pancakes, french toast, sausage, isn't she amazing?)
My son is really into Transformers, and I've been making variations of the theme song, I was mostly doing it to tease him, but it didn't phase him at all, he goes with it, Transformers!, Robots with Big Eyes! except he says, Transformers, with Big Eyes!
Here are the Transformers we built with Legos. He's really into legos lately too, everything is a Transformer.
I fixed up the back yard. I dug up some dead grass, refilled the water barrel and put it on pavers, put some pavers down for the Grill and planted the tomatoes.
I still need to put up a hanger for the hose.
No means yes - My son uses no and yes interchangeably. This is confusing to say the least. My wife asked him the other day and he actually said, "Mom! No means Yes."
I always wondered if it was just that he hadn't really thought through his answer to a question before he stared to answer, but apparently he just interchanges them. "Do you want to take a bath?" "Ya, buuuuuut, I don't want to." "You don't want to?" "But I do!" Like I said, it's really confusing.
I helped fix the neighbor's truck. We replaced the starter.
I recently became the Elder's Quorum President in my ward and I'm pretty excited. I have a lot of ideas and hope to do some good.
Ortilla - my son leaves off the beginning of words, it's not that he can't say it right, he has just decided he likes it better that way or something.
Belly hugs - My cat likes to sleep on my wife's lap, I think it's funny because it looks like he's hugging her belly.
Ya, My son's upside down. He's crazy like that.
choke = cough - "Heavenly Father, I bet our chokes can get better" (My wife and son were both sick last weekend, my little sicky poos)
"My tummy says" My son tells us that his tummy says he's full, or that his tummy says he can't have one more bite, so that's all fairly normal, but when his tummy says things like he needs to go outside or isn't ready for bed, I get a little suspicious of his tummy's motives. The other day his tummy said he was done at dinner. I said, "I think your tummy just wants to go play." He said, Ya.
The kid is like George Washington in the Cherry Tree story. He's really good about admitting to stuff. "Did you dump all the legos on the floor?" "I did Mom."
Woopsie - okay, so I say woopsie sometimes, but mostly to be funny, but now my son says it. For a while he thought it was the same as "I'm sorry" He came out on our porch and shoved the neighbor girl down (or something I'm not sure if I remember right) We were kind of shocked and said Hey! He said Woopsie! And my wife said, You need to tell her you're sorry. And he said, But Mom, I said woopsie! We had a good laugh and explained that woopsie didn't mean sorry.
Gianty - my son's made up word for huge or gigantic. "It's kind of gianty"
My son has a little tiny imaginary friend from another planet named Chaz, I think he gets the "other planet" idea from a Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon he watched. But the fingers on one hand often represent his little friend, he flies around, he goes places, he says things, he jumps on you jumps on you face and pokes you in the eyes. It's just great fun.
Hope you enjoyed the randomness
1 comment:
"I bet our chokes can get better" - LOL
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