A wise person once said, "If you are having a hard time getting rid of something, take a picture and throw it out anyway. Then, in a year, take out the picture and thow it away too."
So, here are some pictures of my T-shirts that I was having a hard time throwing out.
The Animal T-shirt was an awesome find at the DI when I went there with a bunch of friends not long after graduating high school. So it was used when I got it and let's see... how long ago did I graduate? Yikes!
The Official Water Detective T-shirt was a prize I won at work or was given to be for helping out with something, I can't remember really. I always liked it because if people didn't look close they thought I was an off-duty police officer or fireman or something. Ya I'm cool, you know I am.
You might be the coolest person on the whole 453 inbound.
Funny - my friend Amy told me yesterday that she was writing a blog post about how hard it is to get rid of old t-shirts. It must be a hot topic in the blogging community right now.
My sister has her old T-shirts made into quilts. I guess she just couldn't part with that Britney Spears concert T, so now it's immortalized as part of a blanket. I think the "wise person" quoted in this post is my mom. I hate it when she's right.
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