Monday, March 3, 2008

Do You Know How?

So my wife called me this morning and asked me, "Do you know how to shut off the water main?"

That's not a good call to get.

I heard the sound of rushing water in the background.

My pulse quickened.

I think I stayed pretty calm if I do say so my self.

I quickly described the location and workings of the shut off valve.

"Is everything okay?" I asked hesitantly.

Turns out everything was fine at our place.

The rushing water was just the laundry.

She was asking for a neighbor.

They were well...

They're fine too.

Were you scared?

1 comment:

Marilee said...

Sorry to give you such a scare! I was really proud to tell Jill, however, that although I didn't know where the water main was, I knew that you would, because you know things like that. Thanks for always knowing how to fix things.