Today I got a haircut and I shaved my beard.
Wow I'm boring. I read other people's blogs and they seem to have a lot more interesting stuff to write about. Plus the only person who actually reads me blog is this guy I became friends with on the bus to work. Hey man, how's it going? Having a good weekend? Anyway, maybe people are just better at finding the seemingly mundane things in their life and writing about them in a way that makes them seem really cool. For example, on guy I know wrote a post about his Super Nintendo game cartridges that he was organizing. How cool is that? Well let me tell you, it was pretty cool. Another was writing about how this dinosaur museum was really lame. I wish I was cool enough to go to a lame dinosaur museum.
Okay, so here it goes. I'm going to try to sound really cool.
I wrote a couple of songs a few years ago. Guitar accompaniment and everything, that I play. I know, I'm awesome. We'll I dusted the old mp3's off and guess what. I need to update my recordings. I've made some great changes to the songs since that time. So that's what I'm up to lately. I pulled out the guitar and I'm going to get ready for an all out recording session. Watch for the updated songs to hit the top of the charts soon.
So how'd I do?
I know, lousy.
But at least now I can continue to impress people by telling them about how I have a blog online. Seriously, people are like, "Wow! I've never met a real live blogger before."
Anyway, got to go. I have some songs to practice.
Are you kidding that I am the only one that reads your blog? I hardly ever read your blog. Hey that free multitrack recording software I told you about is here:
I used it to record stuff with a friend of mine without ever meeting. We just FTP'd files back and forth.
Seriosly though I am so impressed to know a real blogger. Can I get your autograph on the bus next week?
Also I played those songs backward and I went into kind of a trance. When I awoke there was a check made out to you sitting in front of me. Glad those songs aren't any longer or I may have actually mailed it to you.
Hey, I read your blog too!!! But I guess I don't count cause I'm only your wife.
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See, David participates as well. So there.
Love, Marilee
Wait, I just looked, it wasn't a Super Nintendo, it was a regular Nintendo!
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